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Manage Input and Output

Agent flows in GALE allow you to define input and output variables, which become accessible as context objects throughout the execution of the flow.

  • Input Variables: The input variables provide initial data to the agent flow.
  • Output Variables: The output variables store and make accessible the derived values from the flow. You must define output variables to capture the results you want to return from the agent.

Using Variables in the Agent Flow

Once the input and output variables are defined, you can access these variables using the context object syntax and use them throughout the flow:

  • Input variables are available immediately after the Start node. These variables can be accessed using the following syntax: context.steps.Start.inputVariable
  • Output variables can be set in any node. For example, in the End node, you can select a defined output variable and assign it the result/output of a GenAI node using the following syntax: {{context.steps.GenAInode.output}}

Adding Input/Output Variables

Steps to add input variables:

  1. On the top of the Agents flow canvas, click the Manage I/O button. Alternatively, you can click the Start node. The Manage Input & Output dialog is displayed.
    Manage Input Output Variables

  2. On the Input tab, click the + Add input variable button.

    The Enter input variable dialog is displayed.

    Enter Input Variable

  3. In the Name (key) field, provide a name for the input variable. For example, Product_ID.

  4. In the Type field, select a data type from the drop-down list - Text, Number, Boolean, or Remote file. If you want to make the data type mandatory, then enable the Mandatory toggle.

    • If you select the Text, Number, or Boolean data types, the Default value field appears. You can enable the Default value field to set a default value for the input variable.

    • If you select the Remote file data type, the File url timeout field appears. Enter the File URL timeout duration in minutes. The default File URL timeout is 5 minutes. You can set it to anywhere between 5 minutes and 7 days (10080 minutes).

      File URL timeout

  5. Click Save. The input variable is displayed on the Input tab of the Manage Input & Output dialog.

Steps to add output variables:

  1. On the top of the canvas of the Agents page, click the Manage I/O button. The Manage Input & Output dialog is displayed.

  2. On the Output tab, click the + Add output variable button. The Enter output variable dialog is displayed. Enter Output Variable

  3. In the Name (key) field, provide a name for the output variable.

  4. In the Type field, select a data type from the drop-down list - String, Number, or Boolean.

  5. Click Save.

    The output variable is displayed on the Output tab of the Manage Input & Output dialog.


You can also add an output variable in the End node using the Add a Key option on the node's interface.